Friday, July 20, 2012

Mass matrix: A free search engine with a bias toward HCD/FT scans

This week I was introduced to a free MS/MS search database system operated out of the University of Ohio called Mass Matrix.  This algorithm has evolved over the past several years and has been the subject of at least 7 publications.  I will...
READ MORE - Mass matrix: A free search engine with a bias toward HCD/FT scans

Sunday, July 15, 2012

SWATH: The worst idea in proteomics?

I've been reserving my opinion on the new MS/MS technique called SWATH for several weeks now. I like to think about things for a long time before I commit to them, sometimes.  And I felt like I really needed to learn more about this procedure, particularly...
READ MORE - SWATH: The worst idea in proteomics?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cool old video from the Royal Chemical Society

This is an older video produced by the Royal Chemical Society that explains mass spectrometry using a classic magnetic sector instrument.  It is amazing how far we've come in the last decade or ...
READ MORE - Cool old video from the Royal Chemical Society

3000 views in 2012

3000 views!!!This is probably beeping my own horn, if you want, but this site has now been viewed >3,000 times since I moved it from its old domain in January of this year!  Thank you so much for stopping by.  Keep the questions coming,...
READ MORE - 3000 views in 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Offgel separation of depleted plasma, part 3

This is a continuation of experiments that I began to describe in April of this yearPlease see Part 1 and Part 2, for more information.Since I finished part 2 of this short experiment, 3 separate readers have written me with this exact same question:...
READ MORE - Offgel separation of depleted plasma, part 3