Friday, September 21, 2012

Byonic -- A next generation search engine

This week I learned about Byonic, a 'next generation' search engine from Protein Metrics.  And what I heard is really exciting, but I'll back up a few steps.Dynamic modifications are functional groups or post-translational modifications that may...
READ MORE - Byonic -- A next generation search engine

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New toy from PNNL: Protein Coverage Summarizer

Looking for a new way to visualize your protein sequence coverage?  Check out this free (and customizable) tool from PNNL. Just don't forget to acknowledge them if you use it for a publication or gra...
READ MORE - New toy from PNNL: Protein Coverage Summarizer

Sunday, September 16, 2012

iORBI 2012 Tour

Here is the full schedule for the iORBI 2012 Tour. Week 1Pittsburgh, PA Oct.2Cleveland, OH Oct. 3Indianapolis, IN Oct.4Week 2Bethesda, MD  Oct. 9Philly, PA  Oct. 10Atlanta, GA  Oct. 11Week 3Toronto  Oct. 16Montreal  Oct. 17Week...
READ MORE - iORBI 2012 Tour

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Eksigent ekspert nanoLC 400 system

I don't really do a good job of keeping my disdain for Eksigent nano LCs to myself.  The absolutely horrid experience we had with the nanoLC 2D systems will keep me from ever recommending these silly gas-driven things, but I'm still on the email...
READ MORE - Eksigent ekspert nanoLC 400 system

Monday, September 10, 2012

Advion NanoMate

Last week I was introduced to the Advion NanoMate.  The NanoMate is a new type of ionization source.  Rather than using a single emitter, the NanoMate has a chip that can contain as many as 400 separate emitters worked into it.  I'm sure...
READ MORE - Advion NanoMate

New nodes for Proteome Discoverer

Just a quick note about something I learned while at BRIMS last week.  A joint effort from the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology and other groups through the Austrain Academy of Sciences has set up a site devoted to new nodes for Proteome...
READ MORE - New nodes for Proteome Discoverer