Thursday, March 8, 2012

Agilent Offgel vs SCX

~800 ug of peptides were divided in half
1 half went to SCX on a 10mM sodium phosphate (pH 2.8) gradient with an increase to 0.6M KCl.  20 fractions were collected
1 half was separated by peptide offgel using a high resolution strip pH 3-10
The peptides were desalted by ZipTips and loaded on our Velos using a standard top 10 method.
The MS/MS spectra were analyzed using Proteome Discoverer 1.3 with both Sequest and Mascot using Peptide Validator.
The results are shown above.  Pretty one-sided.  We'll see what the repeats look like
READ MORE - Agilent Offgel vs SCX

Dropping the Science

This post is off the proteomics topic.  If you are in for a distraction, check this site I found this morning:  Dropping the Science.  It is pretty fun.
READ MORE - Dropping the Science

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Colbert Associates Xpertex Inserts

Sometime last year it became just about impossible for me to find good autosampler vials for my Accela system.  Thermo got tired of making them, or changed the catalog number or something.  After weeks of searching and multiple calls to manufacturers, we were able to secure several boxes to set us up for the future.  Then I started my new position.
We have been making due for the last 4-5 months by using the autosampler vials for our Shimadzu HPLC with spring-loaded glass inserts from Thermo that run about $70/100 inserts.  Couple this with the price of the glass vials, and we're running a couple of bucks a sample vial.
Tonight I happened to be proof-reading my recent entries and an ad for Colbert Associates popped up.  Although I'm not supposed to click on the Adsense ads, I did in this case.  (Google, you can take back the 0.02 cents that I earned for that click, I apologize).  I don't think Colbert Associates would be too angry considering that I ordered 500 of their polypropylene inserts which run about $0.15/insert.  As long as the inserts are of good quality, we'll definitely be switching over to their autosampler vials.  I need to check the numbers, but it looks like they are substantially cheaper than the ones we are using.  It looks like we could save at least $1 per sample, which doesn't seem like much, but will definitely add up at 24 samples/day.
I'll report later on the quality of the inserts when they arrive.
READ MORE - Colbert Associates Xpertex Inserts

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thermo Productivity Series 2012

Registered today for the 2012 Thermo Productivity series for LC-MS for April 3rd in Bethesda.  I attended this series in 2010 and learned a lot.  They are a good place to network and learn about the new advances in the field.  Since there are more of us in this area now than ever, they are making sure to break up the event into separate GC, LC, and I(on)C groups.
Should be a nice event.
The information on locations and registration is available here.
READ MORE - Thermo Productivity Series 2012