We have been making due for the last 4-5 months by using the autosampler vials for our Shimadzu HPLC with spring-loaded glass inserts from Thermo that run about $70/100 inserts. Couple this with the price of the glass vials, and we're running a couple of bucks a sample vial.
Tonight I happened to be proof-reading my recent entries and an ad for Colbert Associates popped up. Although I'm not supposed to click on the Adsense ads, I did in this case. (Google, you can take back the 0.02 cents that I earned for that click, I apologize). I don't think Colbert Associates would be too angry considering that I ordered 500 of their polypropylene inserts which run about $0.15/insert. As long as the inserts are of good quality, we'll definitely be switching over to their autosampler vials. I need to check the numbers, but it looks like they are substantially cheaper than the ones we are using. It looks like we could save at least $1 per sample, which doesn't seem like much, but will definitely add up at 24 samples/day.
I'll report later on the quality of the inserts when they arrive.
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