Thursday, November 8, 2012

Proteome Sciences

It's pretty awesome when a great entry just falls in my lap.  Honestly, I spend a lot of my free time reading proteomics journals and evaluating programs in the hopes of having good things for my surprisingly loyal readers to look at.  Since tons of the stuff I find (particularly software...) isn't worth writing about, man am I every psyched when something really cool pops up.
A reader left a comment about the services of Proteome Science on an article from earlier this week.  I get lots of spam, and I figured it was something to delete, until I pulled up the link.  This is definitely worth knowing about.
First of all, this company is based in the U.K.  Now, you can pretty much get by as a proteomics service provider if you have an Orbitrap and one person who can run it.  When I mention a company on this site, it is typically because they have considerably more than the minimum.  Proteome Sciences definitely appears to fall into this category.
The services they offer are really unique, TMT based MRMs?  For double quan?  Sounds a little whacky until you realize they have diagnostic assays for real human diseases.  In that case, there is no such thing as redundant measurements.  These are exactly the kinds of assays that we need to get MS assays to be taken seriously in the clinics (where they are currently being installed.)
Around the technology they are obviously developing in-house, it's obvious that the scientists at this company are paying attention to the newest advances in the field.  By request, you can have your TMT samples processed using the MS3 method.  First time I've seen that as an option.
Anyway, if you are in the market for getting proteomics samples ran, particularly for y'all over in Europe, check this site out.


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