Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Amine‐reactive neutron‐encoded labelsfor highly‐plexed proteomic quantitation

In press at MCP right now, is a new paper from Josh Coon's lab at the University of Wisconsin.  In it they describe the ability to do 12-plex labeled quan with neutron encoded labels.

12-plex.  The catch, is that the labels differ by 12mDa.  So it's going to take some serious resolution to separate them, so it won't be something you could use on a Q-TOF.  You'll probably even have trouble on most Orbitraps as ultra-resolution appears necessary to pull these labels apart effectively.  In the paper, they demonstrate the very clean separation of these labels at 240,000 and 480,000 resolution.  I'm doing the math in my sleepy head in an airplane, but I think that 60,000 resolution should, in theory, resolve peaks this close together, but that is still a pretty slow scan for most instruments.

So, an awesome new labeling technology, it just might not be accessible for all of us right now.
The article is available here.


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