Thursday, November 21, 2013

SCAMPI-- A statistical approach to protein quantification

We need more statistics in proteomics.  We all know that.  We particularly need them in our quantification studies.  This is a little easier when we're doing label free but, of course, that comes with its own set of new challenges.

I get all sorts of excited when I see a proteomics paper that looks like a listing of fraternity houses, and this new paper from Sarah Gerster, et al., definitely fits that description.  In this study, the team describes SCAMPI, a protein quantification tool written in R, everyone's favorite statistics program.

Now, this is where this blogger stops.  I drew your attention to it.  I looked at every page.  I think anything where we start to treat proteomics like every other science and do robust statistical magic is going to move us forward.  I cant' really tell you if this is a good one, but it looks nice and it's got Ruedi Aebersold's name on it, so I figure it's worth checking out.  At the very least it has a memorable name.


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