Friday, December 13, 2013

Peaks 7

My first Xmas present arrived while I was on vacation.  Peaks 7 came out and I got a nice long trial license to check it out.  I installed it on my plane ride home.

The list of new features from Peaks 6 to Peaks 7 is kind of mind blowing.  This software is very very sophisticated.  It is supposed to be faster, it has online collaboration and sharing modules embedded within it and it now does label free quan (with really pretty heat maps).  There are a full list of the new features available here.

However, the features I'm most interested in checking out are described as "improved de novo localization scores" and "statistical charts for accurate filtration of de novo data".  I love to hear about improvements in scoring accuracy and FDR, and de novo is where FDR needs the most improvement.  Anybody going out of their way to improve that can send me their software in an easy to install way with a nice free trial and I'm going to do a fair job of checking it out in my free time.

Bonus?  You can directly import MSF reports from Proteome Discoverer 1.3 and 1.4.  I don't know if this will simplify my workflow for de novo studies (link to the video I made for working de novo into PD), but it just might.  I'll be back later with first and final impressions!


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