Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chemistry lab suite app

(Image stolen from Bah Humpug!)

With the rise of the mobile device, everyone in the world is exploring how to make these powerful little computers we're carrying all the time even more useful than they are.  Two Apps that I use a lot are SparkPlug and the MSBioworks App.  I primarily use Sparkplug to find cool new Orbi papers and application notes and I use MSBioworks primarily to calculate my LC dead volumes (though the app does a ton of other things, like protein digestion, peptide fragment predictions, etc., the LC volume calculation is something I use all the time).

One I just downloaded is the Chemistry Lab Suite.

While its definitely geared toward you chemists out there, I sure do like the Protein button.  Primarily cause of this, of course (which, yes, you could do in the MSBioworks app, but what if orange on black was your color scheme of choice?):

Suite, right?  (That was an intentional pun.  I haven't got very much sleep this weekend....)

Anyway, if you find yourself needing this information sometimes (and don't always have internet access for ProteinProspector or similar check this out.  I downloaded it for Android and for iOS and they appear identical.


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