When I hear the word "moped" I think of the image above. This was the bike I
Its pretty cool to be able to associate this word with something less painful. The Moped expression database is one such thing. Here is a screenshot. It looks like a fantastic resource!
I popped in one of my favorite proteins, ITGA5, and I immediately get expression ratios of this protein in known cell lines. Is it upregulated in my favorite cancers? You can't see it in the screenshot, but there is a column off to the right of the screen that hyperlinks me to the experiment(s) that made these observations!
That proteomics data suggesting some differential regulations that you find surprising? Pop it in here and see if anyone has ran into it under a different context! You can even filter your observations by relative or absolute protein expression levels. Sounds applicable to our field!
Credit goes to Alexis for finding me yet another cool resource to share! The Moped database is here!
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