Thursday, August 8, 2013

Identification of Autocrine Growth Factors Secreted by CHO Cells for Applications in Single-Cell Cloning Media, or Orbi Velos vs. Xevo

This new paper from U Ming Lim et. al., out of the National University of Singapore is a very thorough study of one of the world's favorite model cells, the Chinese Hampster Ovary (CHO).  While it is a well carried out study with many implications for people who use these cell lines as well as autocrine researchers, it also serves to answer a question I posed quite a while ago -- head to head, which is better, and Orbi Velos or a Waters Xevo Synapt?

Readers of my blog from way back know that my department had these two instruments and I attempted to answer this question, but could not.  These researchers ran the same fractions on the Orbi Velos and on the Xevo.  In all of their analyses, the Velos positively smoked the Xevo.  You'll have to check out the paper for yourself, but in unique peptides/proteins found by only one instrument, the Velos identified as many as 10 times more than the Xevo.  It makes for some lop-sided Venn diagrams.


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