Thursday, August 22, 2013

Orbitrap Methods Database

I've meant to do this for a while.

I have some space available here and I'm interested in starting to compile a database of Orbitrap methods.  I have some methods from the Orbitrap XL, Velos, Elite, and Q Exactive.  I'm interested in submissions.  Lets get a big database compiled!  In most cases, I'd like to do the a file with a copy of the method as text as well as a copy of the actual method file.  It can be tough to load methods from one version of Xcalibur to the next or a method written from one LC, to a different LC-MS, so I generally find the text files most useful.

If you'd like to submit a method, please email me: and I'll get it uploaded.  You can post anonymously or I'll give you full credit for your method.  Your choice!

I should have some of my methods and those from some contributors up by the weekend, but I'd definitely appreciate some more.

Update (9/6/13):
You can access what I have up so far here.


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