Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SweetSeqer: Glycopeptide analysis software!

More magic from the Steen and Steen lab!  In press at MCP is this paper from Serang et al., that details a new software package called SweetSeqer.  This uses a de novo type approach to evaluate glycopeptides.  For any of you guys doing this, you know that the vast majority of the time we end up doing in manually.  In this paper they show a couple of spectra where an expert manually works through it compared to the results that SweetSeqer comes up with and it looks pretty good.
You can download the software at the Steen and Steen website here.
In order to install it, you'll need a couple of things.  The first is a python compiler, and the second is the pyteomics toolbox.  Don't worry, they are both free and available here.


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