Monday, May 20, 2013

Another new PD node: Advanced filtering parameters!

I am so happy.

Dr. Mechtler made an announcement on the BRIMS portal last week that there were new nodes at  As usual, there was not a lot of explanation of these gifts, just the installation instructions.  And that is exactly the way I like it.  Install them and find out what Proteome Discoverer can do now.  They are all great, but this is the simplest one for me to both use and to explain.

Advanced filtering parameters.  Install this node in PD 1.3 and all of the sudden you go from telling your workflow what mass ranges to look at to what ranges to look at and to not look at.  First thought for me, now I can set up my iTRAQ and TMT workflows so that they ignore the region where my reporter ions come off.  Which gives Sequest and the FDR nodes less to do and less to make mistakes with.  There are other options, such as the ability to set filtering isolation widths, but this is the option that is going to make the biggest impact on me and my work.

As always, if you have Proteome Discoverer, you should have bookmarked.  You should also be a member of the BRIMS software portal so you'll know when new stuff is coming.

I hope to have some tests of all these new nodes available soon!


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