Sunday, January 5, 2014

Can microflow outperform nanoflow in some applications?

I've made this argument before.  One day these mass spectrometers are going to get sensitive enough that we won't have to monkey around with nanoflow.  We'll be able to microflow, get better and more reproducible chromatography and live happily ever after.  Some groups believe these days are already here.  If you aren't sample limited, just inject more peptide, right?

This application note came by way of a LinkedIn feed (see, it is good for something!) and talks about the use and application of microflowrates in validation on a triple quad.  While the primary focus of the note is demonstrating the increase in sensitivity of microflow over higher flow rates, it brings up the limitations of nanoflow in terms of robustness and relative high maintenance.  Absolutely worth a thought!


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