Sunday, January 26, 2014

Q Exactive introduction videos

Geez...Sunday already?  What happened to my weekend?

Early last year I made a very rough introduction video to operating the Q Exactive and for building simple experiments.  It recently came to light that this video has been viewed more than 1,000 times.  Since then, I've created a few more videos detailing different aspects of the QE operating software.  These are in rough draft format and should be considered just starting points.  They are in no way officially branded or proofread or anything at this point.  They are rough drafts to give you a starting point on how to set up your experiment.  I especially suggest caution with the DIA video I recently made.  I am still very inexperienced with this technique and have not had time to optimize or study successful methods made by my colleagues.

I have added a new page to the navigation bar on the right corner of the screen to lead you to these videos.  I hope you find them useful.  Direct link here.


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