Wednesday, April 2, 2014

iORBI 2014: Full schedule!

For those of you in or near 20ish select US cities, its iORBI time!  For those of you farther away, all of the information covered during this tour will be made fully available to you as well, albeit a bit later.  You can always check out the information from iORBI 2012 in the meantime.

Never been to an iORBI?  Unfamiliar?  It is a meeting exclusively for Orbitrap experts.  This isn't a sales or marketing meeting.  Scientists inside Thermo provide uncensored talks on specific applications.  When I say uncensored, I mean it.  This is the "good the bad and the ugly," as it is sometimes said.  How to optimize your applications, what downsides and drawbacks there are, how to address them, etc., Something that I've always found cool is the fact that the talks are tailored to specific cities.  For example, Pittsburgh is starting to establish itself as the lipidomics capital of the U.S. so there is no way that we would skip having a great metabolomics expert talk about lipids there, where we might not give that talk in Ann Arbor.  Don't worry lipid experts in Michigan, you'll have full access to the lipidomics talk with copious speaker notes, extra slides, and contact information on the experts who put the slides together.

Here is the full schedule (partially so its easy for me to find.  You wouldn't believe the clutter on my desktop right now...).  Not registered?  Contact your local sales rep.

Madison, WI
T, April 8th
Rochester, MN
W, April 9th
Minneapolis, MN
Th, April 10th
Philadelphia, PE
T, April 22nd
Gaithersburg, MD
W, April 23rd
New Jersey/NY at Rutgers
Th, April 24th
W, April 30th
Ithaca, NY
Th, May 1st
Seattle, WA
M, May 5th
Genentech, CA
W, May 6th
Stanford, CA
T, May 7th
Los Angeles, CA
Th, May 8th
Indianapolis, IN
T, June 24th
Chicago, IL
W, June 25th
St. Louis, MO
Th, June 26th
T, Sept 9th
Th, Sept 11th
T, Sept 16th
Pittsburgh, PA
T, Oct 21st
Ann Arbor, MI
W, Oct 22nd
Columbus, OH
Th, Oct 23rd
Austin, TX
T, Nov 11th
Houston, TX
Th, Nov 13th


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