Shameless plug: It still is my blog, after all! I've been wanting to do this for almost a year and the stars have finally aligned. Throughout the country I'll be holding user's workshops for Proteome Discoverer. Informal workshops with informal goals except to make the people who come to the workshops leave with better processed data than they came in with. The first one went off pretty well. The second one will be in Cambridge on 4/28/14 and I'm working to schedule upcoming ones in Chicago and Bethesda! Here is the itinerary for the one in Cambridge:
1:00 Proteome Discoverer general templates and workflows
2:00 Advanced processing and new nodes, including:
Byonic node (PTM discovery)
ptmRS (confident localization of post translational modifications)
MS2 spectrum processor (for deconvolution of spectra prior to processing)
Recalibration node (on-the-fly recalibration of whole RAW data files)
3:00- Audience driven workflow generation
This schedule is flexible. The goal is to help you get the data that you want out of Proteome Discoverer. For specific questions, please send me data files to work with in advance.
I will process this data ahead of time and provide you with the results that I obtain. During the workshop I will demonstrate how I generated this data and we can look at how different variables such as the False Discovery rate calculator and settings affect your output data. We can also look at quan and how to move the data from PD into software packages for pathway and ontology analysis.
Notice the focus on the open source nodes? Particularly the focus on the nodes coming from This is a big deal. We can clean up our data, re- and pre- process it and end up with better stuff. I talk about it here and I can't wait to show it off.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop in your city in 2014, let your salesperson know and if we can generate significant interest we'll try to squeeze it in next time I'm in your town!
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